Over time, despite regular washing, your car’s body tarnishes. Pollution, bad weather, and micro, mild, or major scratches usually take away its shine. But, whether superficial or significant, body scratches can be repaired at home. Nowadays, you can find a variety of solutions on the shelves at your local store.
1. Body scratches: solutions for surface damage
A body scratch can be reduced or eliminated without the need for a professional.
Several types of scratch repair products exist to remove a surface scratch on the bodywork. There are products in paste or liquid form. They can be used when you notice:
– a micro scratch,
– a shallow alteration of the bodywork,
– a slight scratch.
Repairing a small scratch: instructions for use
After cleaning the surface of the bodywork where you have spotted the scratch:
– apply the scratch-resistant product on a soft, clean cloth,
– use the product to the area to be treated,
– spread the solution superficially at the point of the scratch,
– allow to dry for 15 to 30 minutes: the drying time is specified in the operating instructions.

When the scratch-resistant product is dry:
– Rub and wipe with light, circular movements,
– Polish with a soft, clean cloth.
2. Body scratch: in case of severe damage
If the scratch is deep, it may require major renovation work.
Scratches are considered important in the following cases:
– absence of varnish and paint showing a white trace,
– profound alteration of the bodywork leading to unevenness on the surface of the body.
Some products have proven their effectiveness:
– body pencil of the same colour as the car,
– polish,
– fine-grained abrasive paper.
3. Repairing a large scratch: instructions for use
To treat deep scratches here is how to proceed:
– sand the area to be treated with fine-grained abrasive paper to remove all body paint chips,
– apply the body pencil to the part to be corrected,
– allow drying for 15 to 30 minutes according to the manufacturer’s instructions,
– polish with polish and a soft, clean cloth.

Note: when the scratches are too deep or the area to be treated is large, it is better to bring your vehicle to an auto body shop. They have the latest tools and technology to deliver consistent and quality results.
Hope the above quick fixes will do the job for you! Remember to leave your comments in the section below.