
Driving A Truck Crane In France: What Training Should You Take?

A truck crane is a construction machine designed specifically to lift and transport heavy loads. It is often used by construction companies and can quickly move from one site to another. As with all construction equipment, driving a truck crane requires a license. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn about the proper training for this type of equipment.

Training to drive a truck crane


In addition to having the level of CAP or BAC, the CACES (certificate of aptitude for safe driving) is mandatory to drive a truck crane. It is a document that confirms the knowledge of the worker. It was introduced in 1998 by the CNAMTS (Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés). The goal is to reduce the number of accidents on construction sites.

To drive a transport, loading, or other machine, the possession of this certificate is indeed essential to ensure safety during work. It should also be noted that the CACES is not sufficient to operate a machine. The employer must also provide the driver with authorization to drive to the employee to ensure that he is medically fit.

The CACES to drive a truck crane

Following the new CNAMTS reform, the CACES is divided into 8 categories. Thus, the one corresponding to the mobile crane is the R483 (ex -383). The driver will be able to maneuver the truck safely on the construction site. It should be noted that the CACES R483 is composed of four sub-categories grouping all the models of mobile cranes.

    • CACES R483 category 1A (self-propelled lattice cranes)
    • CACES R483 category 1B (telescopic cranes on carriers or self-propelled)
    • CACES R483 category 2B (telescopic cranes on tracks)
    • CACES R483 category 2C (lattice cranes on rail and port).

It should be noted that this certificate is not a professional qualification but a validation obtained after a theoretical and practical test. To obtain the CACES, the employee must, of course, undergo training lasting between 2 and 5 days in an organization certified by the CNAMTS. Then, he will be able to handle the truck perfectly. He will also be able to master all the safety rules related to the use of the vehicle.

The cost of the training to obtain the CACES of the truck crane

The cost of training to obtain a truck crane CACES is generally high. The cost of the training depends on the machine, the category, the organization, the duration of the training, etc. Thus, the price of the CACES is between 1 500 € and 4 000 €. Although it is quite expensive, this certification offers many advantages.

Obviously, it reduces the number of accidents on your site. Moreover, it is valid for 5 years but can be extended for another 5 years. This is only possible if the employer can prove that the employee has driven the truck at least 50 days per year. The CACES certificate thus follows the worker throughout his professional career, even if he changes jobs or companies. It should be noted that there are organizations that can finance this training to obtain this CACES.

Qualities required to drive a truck crane


Apart from competence, certain essential qualities are required to drive a truck crane. These include precision and speed. Indeed, the crane operator must be very precise and fast in his movements. He must be able to follow the instructions of other workers and the site manager from a distance. He is very reactive and quick-witted and has a very good sense of coordination and orientation.

It should be noted that the crane operator is called upon to work on a site with many other workers. He must therefore be skillful and vigilant in his maneuvers to avoid accidents. But that’s not all! He must also have a great sense of responsibility. In short, the job of a crane operator is one of the most demanding and technical jobs on a construction site. It requires not only qualification but also experience.

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